05 December 2006

More Photo's - Last few days in New Zealand

The Shearing Shed - Waitomo (yes, that's a rabbit!)

The Bridge to Nowhere - Wanganui River

Matt Surfing at Raglan!! (Mmmmm)

Marokopa Falls - near Waitomo

Wanganui River - North Island (13k in 2hrs 10!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matts surfing looks really pro, those lessons in Cornwall and the work ups in US have done the trick, watch out Baywatch!! And Joeys rabbit shearing looks very professional, although I'm not too sure which end is which, hope she knows! The caving looks good, all those glow worms, saves on batteries? Good to talk in Cairns, hope the van is cool. The GBR sounds truly great! Save some for me!

F & B / M & D XXXX