03 December 2006

Last Days in New Zealand

Well - as I (joey) write our last entry from New Zealand I reflect on our last few days here.........when Matt last spoke to you I believe that we had just been flooded out of the caves in Waitomo! All tooled up and ready to go but it was not to be. It rains hard here and the possibility of being stuck in a flooded cave with the water levels rising was not something I wished to contemplate. Nevermind - the next day (our last in Waitomo) yielded less rain and the chance to go caving/ blackwater rafting in a different cave that doesn't get flooded.....bring it on!

We decided to go on the "black magic" expedition with Cave World. This involved wearing wetsuits and carrying a large rubber ring for 2 hours, swimming through dark underground rivers and jumping off underground waterfalls - much fun indeed. Luckily both Matt and I found out that we were neither claustraphobic or scared of the dark.....lucky that hey! The caves are filled with glow worms which is quite eirie but pretty spectacular and the water is filled with eels which is neither eirie or spectacular......just horrible! The Maori believe that the caves are sacred and a source of spirits, the fact that the natural landscape in NZ has so many stories and significance attached to it is something I love.

Following our little jaunt underground - we spent the rest of the day above ground - in fact in the sea! We drove up to Raglan, NZ's hottest surf spot with supposedly the best left hand break in the world (looked pretty scary to me!). For the second time that day we donned a wetsuit and got stuck in - some of us better than others I hasten to add! (the waves were pretty big so I asked for a stable board - the 9ft beast that I got given was both impossible to carry and control in the water - hence alot of swimming and splashing around on my part!). Matt however was in his element - bring on the Gold Coast!

Following the surfing we drove back up to Auckland to spend our last night in the van......we were quite sad as have loved it. Spend last night in a hotel that looked surprisingly like a very posh hotel in New York but only cost 21 GBP (bargin!)

Bye Bye New Zealand and Thanks for a fantastic trip.........Sweet!

Love to you all,

Joey xxx


Anonymous said...

Caving? Haven't you two seen The Descent?!

You can keep your spelunking activities to yourself.


Anonymous said...

You two cerainly know how to have a good time (I think)!
Bet you were sad to say goodbye to your little holiday home on wheels!All well with us - just returned from a wonderful trip to Angi's art exhibition in Lugano!Also sampled the delights of Easyjet!
Take care and love from the parents! xx

Anonymous said...

Got your crimbo card, thanks

Wheres the money?
