06 October 2006

Lake Tahoe - California

Big Sur - California (check out the waterfall emptying on the beach!!)

San Francisco - California

Big Sur - California (wild elephant seals)


Anonymous said...

Hiya Jo & mattie, Thanks for uploading the photos. You both look very relaxed and well, and non too worse for wear after a day on the beach with the elephant seals! The far west USA looks superb! Also enjoyed seeing the "beast", looks very comfy and cool with dark tints! The picture of the Salt Lake with the shadows was good too! Good Luck in Vegas and don't over do it, we haven't finished the painting yet!!!!
Say Hi to Lu and Chris!
love Bob & Fi XX (aka M & D)

Anonymous said...

Hello both of you!
Sorry its taken a while to write but we have been enjoying the tales of your adventures. I was sooo jealous of your trips to The Cheesecake Factory (one of my favourite eateries ever - especially the cookie dough cheesecake!).
Also loved the pics of the elephant seals as we saw those when we were there too, so it brought back great memories. We said the same thing about San Francisco as you too - it would be a great place to live. Maybe one day....
Anyway, keep us updated with all your news. We are off to Thailand in a couple of weeks so are very excited about that, although unfortunately we're going to be home before we know it, unlike you lucky things!!
Take care,
Lots of love
Lisa and Paul xx