08 September 2006

8th september 2006

So, where were we? Ah yes, we left toronto (bit tame and rained too much) and arrived in ann arbor via the "department of homeland insecurity". I think we said last time that Ann Arbor is really nice. Lots of restaurants and old uni buildings. A good atmosphere with a couple of local breweries churning out some useful IPA (indiana pale ale). Not to mention the awesome potbelly sandwich works...

From there it was a good four hour drive to chicago. Now unfortunately this weekend sees the chicago wine festival, the jazz festival and about five other festivals, which means the closest we could get to downtown is about 25 miles without spending over $300 per night. So, we are staying in the suburb of Lombard, west of the city. We arrived here wednesday night and didn't want to venture too far afield so went to the "Weber Grill" opposite. This is the weber who make the kettle barbeques. So, guess what kind of food? Yes, barbequed! I of course went for barbequed chicken, pork and beef obviously. Joey (who often pulls the vegetarian card when she doesn't like what's on the menu) ordered a 16oz steak! So, whilst I was suffering from the meatsweats struggling on the last mouthfuls of barbequed pulled pork, 'little' joey was putting the finishing touches to a goliath of a steak... I was so proud!

Yesterday, we got a train into chicago. Firstly we did the tourist bus, which is always good. Then lunch and shop 'browsing' (not shopping shop-watchers) on the magnificent mile.

In the afternoon we went to the zoo. It's a really good one with big enclosures for the animals. The polar bear, tigers, and apes were particularly good. You could get quite close and watch them for a while, that is until someone stuck their bloody great camera in and flashed away scaring the animals into hiding. Firstly when two lions were sleeping. Flash flash flash, and the poor little things hid behind rocks. Then at the gorillas, this huge one was sitting relaxing eating by the glass until some woman scared the crap out of it with the biggest flash on a camera i've ever seen. Jo and I were quite frustrated by this, but fortunately our english reserve came into effect and so we just muttered obscenities under our breath...

But the day didn't end there. A trip to the 94th floor observatory of the john hancock tower, dinner at the aforementioned potbelly sandwich works and a beer by the river made for a top day. Chicago is a fine city indeed...

Today is a doss day, currently at the laundrette (or laundromatt as these people call it), then we're going swimming. This afternoon we're going rock climbing on one of those training walls. Tonight, I would expect that we will encounter the cheesecake-sweats... Cool.

No wingwatch updates today. To be honest i'm struggling to eat a starter and main course in one sitting. No, i've not become a girl, but the food here is massive.

Oh, and for those that care: Adios McGhee you big tool...

Anyway, over to her...

Joey's musings! Not much to add really, having a great time though...off to see granny and grandpa tomorrow with em and hen which will be nice...thanks loads to lou, lou, nick and andy for your recent blogwatching! Ed would be a great travel companion indeed, even a possible contender for the wingwatch! Matt needs to get some more training in! Andy - I can't believe matt has managed to get sent off from 3000 miles away! He's clearly the people's hero! Taking one for the team I believe they say over there!
Love to you all,
Jo xxx


Anonymous said...

Greetings Joey and Mattie. This is a very exciting day for us - not only is it Emilys birthday but we have hopefully sorted out our broadband problems and am actually posting this anonymous blog from no 46! good to hear that that Chicago came up trumps - no metion of the excellent museum that Bob and I visited last time we were there!! Think the zoo could have been a much better plan!Hope Columbus Indiana is living up to your high expectations and that are enjoying time with Em and Hen. Now that your blog shortcut is on my desk top I plan to join your frequent bloggers association thats if the b-band holds up! In the meantime lots of love from Mum and Dad x

Chris said...

Sounds like you are enjoying the food there - hope you are going to have enough room for an all-you-can-eat Pharoah's Pheast breakfast buffet! Only 3 weeks and 6 days until we see you in Vegas.

Lu is now in France with Rosie et Paul, leaving me all alone to face hoards of rampaging zombies in "Dead Rising". It's a tough job but somebody has to do it.

Looking forward to the next installment.


Anonymous said...

Hi guys, finally home & found your blog - most interesting! We had a lovely honeymoon, drank & ate stacks! Back to work tomorrow - how depressing! Good to hear about all your snacking, keep it up! 16oz steak blimey Jo, you go girl!! Will stay posted but will only write little for now as not sure if this will work! Thinking of you & missing you. There are some lovely pictures of you from the wedding, lots of love AJF xxxx p.s happy belated bd wing boy xxx

Anonymous said...


Hows your poo, must be very smelly? Protein diets need regular exercise.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mattie and Jojo. I'm here at La Mauviniere and have already demolished half a block of boursin and got stuck into the Vouvray, without too much egging on!! I will try harder to stick to my diet tomorrow because I absolutely don't want to look like a beached whale stood next to Jojo when we're in Vegas... Although if she keeps eating 16oz steaks...!!! I'd better go 'cos this stupid French keyboard is driving me mad... DOH Can't wait for Vegas, love Lulu