14 September 2006

14th september

14th September.

Columbus indiana. A smallish town about 40 odd miles south east of Indianapolis. Oh, haven't I (we) eaten well!

Columbus is the home to joey's grandparents, and, since saturday (the 9th) also home to us and Em and Hen (joey's sister and her boyfriend - Em's boyfriend, not joey's, since joey's already married. To me. Though i'm sure she often can't believe her luck. Anyway I digress..).

Now, where was I. Ah yes, we are in columbus in the midwest. Why do they call it the midwest? Technically, if you looked at a map of north america we would be in the middle-east, not the midwest. What have they got against the middle east? Any ideas? Answers on a postcard, or at least a comment on this blog... The best answer gets a special mention next blog. Talking of the middle east, "dubya" addressed the nation the other day and described afghanistan as a middle east country. At first, I thought "what a silly billy", then I realised that if columbus indiana is the midwest, then why can't afghanistan be in the middle east?

So anyway, we're here in indiana. We left chicago last saturday around noon and gave ourselves about seven hours to get from chicago to indianapolis airport. "The airport? But I thought you have a car?" you all cry... We were picking up the aforementioned sibling and her other half of course.

Chicago to indianapolis airport = 200 miles.
Time = 7 hours.
4 1/2 hours in one traffic jam = priceless.

(for those without a TV - that's a lame effort at the mastercard adverts).

We pulled into the airport car park as their plane landed and collected the weary travellers in the nick of time. Chicago had provided us with the worst traffic jam ever. 50 miles in four and a half hours. I could have walked quicker...

Not to jump around too much, but perhaps I should finish off chicago first. The friday was probably a bit like a rest day in cricket (they don't do that anymore do they?). In the morning we went to the laundrette, sorry laundromat. No exciting stories there. Dirty clothes went in. Clean ones came out. In the afternoon we acted upon a stroke of genius on joey's part. There is a restaurant over here called the cheesecake factory and they specialise in, yup, cheesecake. However, the food they serve there is so outrageously large that we english have no possible room for dessert - especially if we're stupid enough to oder a starter too. So, jo's idea was to pop to the cheesecake factory in the afternoon, pick up a couple of slithers, pop them in the fridge at our hotel and scoff them after a more manageable dinner. Pretty good huh? Unfortunately, my navigator's navigation skills were not at their peak, and a journey of about 1-2 miles took about an hour (good practise for what was to come on the following day, not good for our relationship). Anyway, we eventually got the marvellous cheesecake in the fridge and went rock climbing. Not much needs to be said, other than a) joey set the bar very high by getting to about 15 foot on her first attempt, b) I couldn't move my arms the next day, and c) we were promptly embarrassed by a six year old boy who scrambled to the top like spiderman or maybe spiderboy. After that, slap up chinese grub + cheesecake = potbellied. Job done.

Back to saturday. We got to indianapolis airport, picked up our guests, and took them to get some tucker. Johnny rockets hamburgers. High quality burgers and a fine opportunity for a spot of wingwatching:

Wingwatch - perhaps the strangest wingwatch to date. They were boneless wings which would have been better described as chicken nuggetts. The sauce wasn't so much hot, but extremely pungent. Like a bottle of ketchup with a bottle of tabasco. So, 3/10. Tasted okay, but the lack of actual wings, and the overpowering sauce were just weird.

Sunday was Emily's birthday. There was a lot of lounging around by, and swimming in, the pool. It was also the day that columbus-ball was born. Look out for it soon on eurosport. In the evening, we all went for a nice big chinese dinner. Joey's grandpa has been reading the blog and wanted a bit of wingwatch action (doesn't everyone), and so ordered some chicken wings for us. Good work:

Wingwatch - excellent tenderness on the inside and crispiness on the outside. Nice soy and chili sauce. Piping hot in the middle. 8/10. Delightful!

Sunday/emily's birthday was then rounded off nicely with some birthday cake. Great job!

Monday to wednesday were somewhat heavily rain-affected. A bit of shopping, and a bit of larking around. And, of course a spot of eating. Monday evening was highlighted by henry falling into the pool. He and I were playing footie on the patio, when I 'set one up' just over the edge. What at first looked like a tremendous balancing act became a futile waste of energy. The ball went in the pool, and shortly after henry followed it. The ball, being reasonably intelligent, had the foresight to remove it's wallet, watch and money from it's pocket, and change into it's speedos. Thus, when it inevitably ended up in the water it didn't suffer any losses or damages. Unfortunately henry did not have the same foresight... I just wished there was someone else to witness it with me. I laughed so much I might have leaked a little...

The highlight of tuesday was lunch at a restaurant at columbus airport. A most excellent chicken sandwich whilst watching the aeroplanes trundling around... Nice. We also spent some time downtown seeing old columbus and new columbus. I won't go into the details, but there was also a kid who referred to the country "canadia". Sounds exotic...

Thursday we drop em & hen at the airport, and then we're off to St. Louis Missouri. Hopefully we can set off early enough and get there by lunchtime. Hmm, lunch...

Anyway, thanks to joey's grandparents for their generous hospitality, it's been nice relaxing in their home, and catching up with them (i bet you didn't know that joey's great-grandfather played for derby county football and baseball teams - impressive).

IMPORTANT NOTICE - please sign your name at the end of your comments, as we don't always know who they're from... Kiwi relative? mark wilson?

Catch up with y'all later, i'm off for some rootin' tootin' buffalo rustlin' cow pokin' line dancin' stetson wearin' wild west adventures...

Henry's Guest Blog - hi to everyone back in the UK! Emily and I have had a good few days with the travellers and are hitchin' a ride in Matt's Passionwagon to Indianapolis Airport for the flight to the Big Apple. As a guest blogger I feel a duty to add my own Wingwatching thoughts.

Johnny Rockets Rocket Wings - I have to agree with Mr Hill's 3/10 - and that's being generous! Wings when you cannot taste the wing are never good!

Chinese Restaurant wings - excellent wings, nicely cooked with a crispy coating - 8.5/10.

I am glad to have provided Matt with much amusement by falling in the pool - even if I think the unfavorable comparison with an inflatable ball is a little harsh!

Emily Guest Blog

Hello everyone! Am very excited to have a guest spot in the blog...but not as excited as I am about being on my way to the sights, sounds and most importantly shops of New York City! We have had a good few days with Granny and Grandpa,and its been great to spend time with the travellers...although I'm reluctant to call them that after seeing the style they are travelling in-no internet cafes for these guys!! Anyway-nearly at the airport so better go! xx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a few words from the parents (in-law). Hope you enjoy St Louis and maybe get a go at the Arch! Seems like Columbus passed is a whirl of wings and water - poetic eh!All good with us - bracing ourselves for the air show tomorrow! Much love from Mum and Dad xx