05 September 2006

4th september

Joey's musings...
For those of you who are new to the blog, the format goes like this......
1.matt starts with a brief overview of location and events..
2. Matt straight in with the funnies/ quips
3. Wingwatch - need I say more!
4. Joeys brief and slightly dull follow up! Including pun of the day...

Today we have taken a detour from the set format by beginning with my own musings on recent events...

We have arrived in ann arbor following a long trip down from toronto..we arrived at U.S border control and yet again got pulled by the men with guns asking us what we were doing, in a stationary line of 100s of cars we appeared to be the only ones of interest. They then proceeded to put a parcel of "fake" narcotics in my bag and sent us blindly towards customs to see if the rookie dog could find them..after about 15 minutes with the gear on me the rather lovable dog came bounding over with his not so lovable armed owner..bizarre! I had horrible visions of being pulled over and asked to explain why I was carrying half of columbia's national export! Hope you are all well, thank you so much for all the postings..love to you all and the mum's too (hi B, fi and rosie)....i'm moving over for the funnyman now! Xxxx
P.S No puns today but watch this space!

Mr MHT Hill's section:

Oh, she's funny...

First things first: RIP Mr Steve Irwin. I am absoloutely gutted about the untimely demise of the legend that is the crocodile hunter. We were of course looking forward to seeing him in action at the Australia zoo in Brisbane and are genuinely gutted that he's died... "Mate, what a beauty!"

Back to business: Toronto. After my excellent birthday on the Friday, we then had all day saturday and sunday to investigate the town. What a strange place!!! Firstly, it's immaculate. All clean and tidy, perhaps a little too steralised. No rubbish, no homeless, no atmosphere, no people!!! When it rains (as it does wherever we go) all of the toronto residents go underground. There are something like 25 miles of underground walkways, shopping malls and restaurants. Very surreal. Sunday was better; we went on the bus tour and saw chinatown and the student area which had some atmosphere... In the end, we were quite relieved to get moving on again... As Joey said, the journey down here to Ann Arbor was eventful, but we're safely here now... Whilst driving down here, there was a sign on the edge of the freeway that said "injure or kill a freeway construction worker - $15,000", but we couldn't find one anywhere, which was a shame because we could do with a few extra bucks... Also, as we entered michigan, there was a sign by the road that read "prison area - do not pick up hitch-hikers"!!!

Wingwatch part III - big juicy wings with soy sauce and sesame seed coating and a honey mustard dip. Beautiful 7.5/10

And finally, TV here is scary. I don't want to sound like michael moore, but all they report on is death, murder, kill, homocide, tragedy etc etc. It's just fear fear fear everywhere...

Adios amigos.


Chris said...

Useless fact about Ann Arbor - it's home to Domino's Pizza. If you see Mr. Domino, please congratulate him on his Pepperoni Passion.


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys, Seems like you just can't stay away from trouble....and don't go to Detroit if you are looking to avoid more! So jealous of you guys I'm sitting here at my office desk and the most exciting thing to happen to me today is that I managed to synch my phone contacts with my laptop - how sad it that! May the power of the blog remain with you. Nick

Anonymous said...

Glad your both having a good time. Just thought i would warn you about wing watch, i tried this in Portugal once and discovered that not all chicken is good for you!!!! Another glorious victory last night for Sweet FA, the new captain is unstoppable!!! Thought for Jo, maybe you could try shop-watch. The girls would then be excited to hear about what you bought and how friendly the staff are.
Just a thought,
'have a nice day now'!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,

Are you knackered yet?! Sounds like you have been on the move constantly!
Brings back a lot of memories for us...wondering if we could arrange another travelling trip with our little additional member this time!
So Jo are you missing those morning geriatric Jane Fonda sessions?...I bet you are....
Miss our coffee chats...

Take care

Love Lou xxxxx

Anonymous said...

ola! well...matt, thought you needed to know...McGhee has gone! I think by 'mutual consent' (oo-er). Deans Wilkins and White have taken caretaker charge. Hmm...

Anonymous said...

Steve Irwin,


Hope thear are some crocs in heaven!

