02 September 2006

2nd september 2006

1st september 2006 - my 31st birthday!

Happy birthday to me etc etc. Tonight we are in the city of toronto celebrating the most important day of the year. Nice. It's been a good day so far, thankyou for all the cards and messages, always appreciated.

Let me step back a little. I think that the last update was from ithaca and the finger lakes... In short, the area is stunning! The lakes and the surrounding areas, vineyards and waterfalls were beautiful. Taughannock falls were amazing. About 200 feet high and awesome.

From there we cruised on up to St. Catherines in Canada - no crap from the immigration guys there! We booked into some B&B which was clean but chintzy - the décor gave me a headache, but it was very comfortable and the breakfast was good, so we won't complain! (www.balaplace.com).

Last night we went to the canadian side of the niagara falls. They are beautiful at night, all lit up in the dark. We also went to the casino for the all-you-can-eat buffet, and a taste of Vegas!!!

This morning we got up early and went on The Maid Of The Mist. Soaking good fun!

Now we're here in toronto and joey has a nice dinner planned for me so bring on the grub!

No wing-watch update today wingwatchers, but hopefully it won't be too long before I get back to you with another instalment...

Finally, we're still struggling to send emails, and to make things worse, we can't rext or phone here either!!!

Joey's section: the morning after! Had a gr8 night drinking cocktails...pommegranite affair! Lovely! Matt had a nice birthday and was pleased with his cards and their contents! Raining in toronto too, the macs are coming in very handy indeed. Toronto seems nice but proper exploring begins today after a quick egg re fuel...

Forgot to mention in earlier blog that there will be a new watch entitled "joey's pun of the day".... Starting with...
1.This church has prayer conditioning (church in upstate new york)
2. If your out in the cold, follow the son!
Location as above

We will be in toronto till monday when there will be a movement south....no, not matt's bowels (the result of too many wings has turned wing watch into windwatch!). We will be staying in ann arbor mi after a day trip through detrioit....we have booked in at the 8mile trailer park with our host mr eminem..sounds familier but I can't quite place it! Will try to sort the e mail soon.
Love jo xx


Anonymous said...

hello...i was going to send a message on yer birthday matt, but unfortunately my dad's internet was down so have had to wait til i'm back in the big smoke...hayes. so...HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Lots of love KC + the wife & kids. sounds like you're having a lovely time and jo, i hope that you're keeping young matthew in check. the albion lost again yesterday...we have no replacement striker for CKR (surprise) - reckon we're in for a long hard season. still, at least sussex are doing alright against hampshire...hoping for nice weather to get skittle them out! i'm sure you can check on all sussex sporting matters anyway, but i like being a sad bastard and providing my own regular sporting bulletin. soon, it will be the school netball team! have fun! dan and the missus

Anonymous said...

Hiya guys,
Sorry I haven't left a message for a while. Work have now blocked access so that I can only read and not comment - torture! Trip sounds like its going well and we are loving the blog! Hen and I are getting very excited about seeing you guys next weekend - feels like you've been away for ages already.
Maybe Hen can even have a guest spot on Wingwatch?! See you on Saturday in Indianapolis! (and don't forget that its a certain person's birthday the next day!!)
Em xx

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

Sounds like you are having a good time....you can't beat a good craft fair!!

I'm really looking forward to our holiday and seeing you guys in Columbus. As Em has mentioned I would love a guestspot in Wingwatch....I think I would be well suited as a meat pundit!

Matt - I am also expecting "TuduckenWatch" to kick off as soon as you find somewhere crazy enough to serve it!

Crouchie scored 2 more for England....thats 10 in 13 games....what a legend (there is even talk of Bobby "Combover" Charlton's record being under threat. However, sadly the seagulls are marooned in the lower reaches of League 1...not the best of starts!

Anyway, guess you guys have a day full of adventures ahead of you so I'll see you next weekend!


Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

Sounds like you are having a good time....you can't beat a good craft fair!!

I'm really looking forward to our holiday and seeing you guys in Columbus. As Em has mentioned I would love a guestspot in Wingwatch....I think I would be well suited as a meat pundit!

Matt - I am also expecting "TuduckenWatch" to kick off as soon as you find somewhere crazy enough to serve it!

Crouchie scored 2 more for England....thats 10 in 13 games....what a legend (there is even talk of Bobby "Combover" Charlton's record being under threat. However, sadly the seagulls are marooned in the lower reaches of League 1...not the best of starts!

Anyway, guess you guys have a day full of adventures ahead of you so I'll see you next weekend!


Anonymous said...

Oops technical hitch led to double post. sorry

Chris said...

Strewth, Mattie, what are you going to do now that fella Irwin's gone and got 'imself clobbered by a stray ray? Wotta gallah! Maybe you shoulda visited Oz earlier on your walkabout, mate!

Link for the world-news-impeded (i.e. anyone in the US) - BBC News

Anonymous said...

The problem with Canada is that they could have ended up with American productivity, French culture and British government. Instead they ended up with American culture, French government and British productivity. Go figure.