26 September 2006

24-25 september

Hello everyone....thought i'd start today as have had a brilliant weekend and couldn't wait to purge my tails on the blog. Luckily we will be able to print out the blog when we get back so our adventure (and Matt's new found literacy skills) will be imortalised in print forever.

We arrived in Salt Lake on Friday night and tried desperately to find a coffee house (we later found out that Mormons don't drink caffeine, although I am told by a local source that they are partial to a diet coke!)...whilst sitting in the 1 Starbucks we saw an advert in the local press for a Starsailor gig that night...to sum up, 4 hours and £6.50 later we were stood in a bar with about 50 others watching the band play their heart out. I spoke to them and we shook their hands after, it was brilliant! We met some really nice Americans in the bar (Brad and Mandy who Matt liked to call Brandy!, Emily from NYC, Alex from Baton Rouge, Russ from California and Tim who got fed up with the Cowboys in Wyoming!). It was a fun night that started with Starsailor and ended with a Gay caboret....these Morman's sure know how to party!

Yesterday we went to Temple square to see the Mormon temple, matt stayed outside (he said he was scared!) whilst I checked out how the LDS (Later Day Saints AKA Mormon's) like to hang out! I must say it was very interesting, although I did decline when sister Jenkins asked me for my address so she could send her peeps round (wasn't sure whether Will and Gail would appreciate some unexpected visitors!). Salt Lake is a beautiful city which is rich in religious history, the people are very friendly and we even managed to sniff out a few beers...I will be sad to leave but excited about reaching the sea again.

Today we went to Antelope Island, which is in the middle of the Salt Lake.....wildlife spot on the trip so far is:- Elk, antelope, coyote, bison, lizards, jack rabbits, eagles, squirrals, (and a funny tailed rat like looking thing that is native to the USA but I don't know what it's called).

Thanks to everyone for your emails, I have e mailed everyone back......I hope you get them as mum said she didn't get one I sent, let me know and I will send again.
Ali - I am using the same email address as at home xx

Lots of love to you all,

Joey xxx (AKA D.L)

Joey's musings.

I cannot believe that I have been relegated to the poxy musings section. Apparently I waffle too much and ramble on and on. Then to add insult to injury, she told me that I am no longer funny but boring! Will this misery ever end? Well don't you worry, i've got a plan...

Introducing => Matt's Ramblings!

Welcome to the inaugural "matt's ramblings", it's great to have you here with me whilst we drive across 500m of utah and nevada desert. The majority of the land round here is for military usage. Bombing ranges and test sites etc. This is perhaps the straightest road you'll ever see. This stretch of the I-80 is about 60 miles long and totally flat and straight just surrounded by salt flats and sand... By far the most desolate and erie place i've ever seen.

Anyway, we've left salt lake city and are about a fifth of the way to Reno. Reno is apparently a very very poor man's Vegas. Oh...

So, salt lake city. Home of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints. Also known as LDS or The Church. Some 75% of the state population are members. Their emphasis is on family from what I gather. If you raise a good family (the bigger the better) then you can become a saint, thus the "latter day saint" bit. The benefits of being a saint? You go to a better heaven. It is therefore not uncommon for families to have 10+ children and dozens of grandchildren etc. I read an obituary in the local rag of someone who had 51 grandchildren and 27 great grandchildren. I cannot begin to imagine how expensive christmas is...

This desire to have big families is the cause of polygomy. After all, it's only the man who can become a saint, so if he has more wives then he increases his chances of sainthood. Unfortunately polygomy is illegal even in utah. They had to ban it in order to gain statehood. There is a case in the courts at the moment whereby a man and two women are trying to get the law changed so that the three of them can get hitched! Despite the law, we were informed that polygomy still happens in some of the backwaters...

So, that, in a nutshell is the mormon philosophy. The effect of this? Utah has the youngest average age in the country, the largest average household size and one of the longest life expectancies. They don't drink or smoke. They exercise and look after themselves well. The children are all polite. The people are also generally good looking with little obesity. Crime is very low. It's like a social experiment within the rest of the US. Except for the religion part, they've hit the nail on the head. It reminds me of Huxley's "A Brave New World".

Cool, we've just been through Shafter!

Well, other than my mormon ramblings, I don't have much to add. Starsailor was good. The gay disco was good, though far gayer than anywhere i've ever been in brighton. Food and beer was pretty fair too.

I was also relieved that I didn't burst into flames - always a fear of mine in religious areas, as is not being able to see my reflection in a mirror. Another fear of mine is not being able to get to a toilet in time, but i'm not sure that's at all relevant. Though in the middle of this desert maybe it could soon be relevant...

Anyway, that's all from me. I can't say that I like my relegated position, but at least I get to write without joey editing my work for once ha ha ha, she may one day regret that...

Well done to the mighty sussex. Two titles in four years. Mushy is a legend.

Looking forward to the Cali' sun. Seen enough scenery to last a lifetime, and enough mormons for a lifetime and a number of afterlifes (bad joke).

A bientot, matt (St. Matt)


Anonymous said...

Howdy Duane-Lee-Landon... Well, there's a name for your first born! Mattie, when did you become an expert on English literature? I don't remember there being any Aldous Huxley references in Viz!

P.S. Jojo, your funny tailed rat like thing may be a Ground Hog. I saw some in Ohio and they look like fat rats with squished noses.

Looking forward to seeing you both for some Penn and Teller action in Vegas. Only 6 more work days to go. Woo Hoo,

Love Lulu

Anonymous said...

Hello Team Hill,

Sounds like the US is great fun - I am very jealous of the StarSailor gig followed by the gay disco!

Looking forward to the next installment.

Jo - not sure if you got my email last week? Was a bit of an essay so not sure if it got through?

Speak to you soon

lots of love

Anonymous said...

Hiya Hills

All sounds very exciting although am not quite sure what a UK band is doing in Salt Lake City! Our Rand McNally is now well thumbed as we follow your journey!
Take care. Much love from M and D x

Anonymous said...


Just wanted to let you know that I have come back to the UK and have already started spreading the new 'Hillisms' in London (I am sure that everyone is familar with Matt & Jo and their silly ways!) Last night, Jenny, Hannah and I pioneered a 'creeping' type dance move at the Jurassic 5 gig in Brixton! Watch out for it on a 'west side' dancefloor near you! Wasn't the same without you guys there though - we miss you!

Loving the blog and spreading the word. Who knows you may even get nominated for a 'bloggie' next year! That or Matt might be the new Lily Allen (chav earrings and big hair included)

Lots of Love, Em xx