28 August 2006

we are here

Matt: hola, we made it here safely on sunday night. no stress at heathrow, but we did get held up at US immigrarion. I was accused of holding a canadian passport and some other hawaiin crime, whilst jo had apparently been in trouble with US government. the weather here is relentless rain, which means we are mainly just eating and drinking.

Wing-watch 1: my first portion of chicken wings were at a restaurant in spanish harlem. good tenderness, but not spicy enough. 6/10

Joey: loving the food. shopping in new york with access to matt's life savings but no room left in my bag is torture!!! still hasn't sunk in that this is more than just a weeks holiday!

hope you're all well, stay in touch...

Jo & Matt.


Anonymous said...

salut!(mon.28th 21.15)
glad you both arrived safely, shame about the weather,
we ate bbq tandoori chicken and pork on sunday 10/10!!
we were out on our bikes this evening to work off the excess!
not such an exciting w/e as yours but we're doing our best!
looking forward to the next instalment, love r et p xx

Anonymous said...

Hiya guys,

Sounds like you're having a fab time! However I am slightly concerned to hear that its raining...will have to rethink my NYC wardrobe! All is well here - we are now enjoying a 90 degree heatwave! Only joking - its raining here too...

Looking forward to seeing you in Indianapolis. Its now less than 2 weeks and we are very excited!

Lots of Love,

Emily and Henry xxx

Anonymous said...


I had curry last night, 10/10 for spicyness which my bottom concurred with this morning ;-)

Dont get too wet!


Anonymous said...

well, i had two chicken breasts in a sweet & sour sauce and a small bag of rice for which i would give a respectable, if uninspired 6/10...oh and by the way matt, CKR is on his way to Sheffield Utd...idiot. I'm off to watch sussex take on shane warne's hampshire at hove for the next couple of days...nice...oh, and glad to the hear that the american immigration system is working well. good to hear, in spite of your US of A style welcome, that you're having a good time. Dan

Anonymous said...

(thurs.31st 20.41 p.m frog time!!)
hello you two..........
what a glorious end to august, hot hot sun all day and NO RAIN!
what about 'scoring' some hand-bags and shoes joey? don't let me down....you can always chuck out some of mattie's clothes to make room for those all important purchases!
salad for lunch today BORINGLY 5/10!
is tomorrow a special day for someone? HAPPY BIRTHDAY mattie!!
have a great day...love r et p xx

Chris said...

Damn those US immigration guys. When I last tried to get in I had to go an sit in the security room for three hours while they strip-searched a German guy and reduced an Indian couple to tears. All because they hadn't recorded the fact that I'd left the country 4 years previously!

Glad you got there OK.
